5D Blog

Rediscovering Worthiness:Embracing Spiritual Help to Heal Past Wounds

In our journey through life, we encounter various experiences that shape our beliefs, perceptions, and emotions. Sometimes, these encounters leave deep wounds that transcend beyond our current existence, affecting our ability to trust and feel worthy of receiving spiritual help. This blog explores the profound impact of past life experiences on our sense of worthiness and offers insights into regaining trust in spiritual assistance to foster healing and growth.

The Unconscious Wound

Deep within our souls lie imprints of past life experiences, memories carried over from one incarnation to another. These memories can leave profound imprints on our psyche, creating unconscious wounds that influence our present beliefs and behaviors. One such wound can be the feeling of unworthiness due to spiritual letdown in a previous lifetime.

In a past life, you may have mistakenly perceived lack of support as the reason, when you experienced a significant disappointment in an event in which you relied on spiritual support. Or you mistakenly decided you were betrayed by a God, a spiritual entity or guide. This painful event left a lasting impression on your soul, instilling a sense of distrust and unworthiness, making it challenging to open up to spiritual help in your present life.

Recognizing the Wound

Healing begins with acknowledging the existence of the unconscious wound and understanding its impact on your current beliefs and self-perception. Take the time to reflect on your emotions and thought patterns. Are there recurring feelings of unworthiness or mistrust towards spiritual guidance? Identifying these patterns will help you trace their origins and recognize their influence on your present life. I often use energy work as a means to unravel the stories and the influencing energy around the wound. 

Embracing Forgiveness and Self-Compassion

To heal the wound and regain worthiness, forgiveness plays a pivotal role. Understand that the past actions of a spirit or guide were not a reflection of your worthiness but a result of their own limitations or circumstances. Release any lingering anger or resentment and cultivate compassion towards the spiritual entity or guide involved. Additionally, practice self-compassion by embracing forgiveness for yourself. Understand that you are not responsible for the actions of others and deserve love, healing, and support. Compassion Key and other Compassion techniques are a profound way to transform the limiting belief that is held in your energy body. I am grateful to offer this amazing technique to bring back your original blueprint of worth.

Embracing Forgiveness and Self-Compassion

Rebuilding trust in spiritual help requires an open heart and a willingness to reconnect with your spirituality. Engage in practices that resonate with you, such as meditation, prayer, energy healing, or connecting with nature. Explore different spiritual traditions or seek guidance from trusted mentors who can help you navigate your journey. As you deepen your spiritual connection, you will begin to recognize the love and support that surrounds you, reaffirming your worthiness to receive assistance.

Building a Supportive Community

Surrounding yourself with a supportive community is crucial in your journey towards healing and regaining trust. Seek like-minded individuals who share similar spiritual beliefs and values. Engaging in conversations, sharing experiences, and seeking guidance from others who have undergone similar transformations can be immensely empowering. These connections will reinforce your sense of worthiness, providing the support and encouragement you need to continue your healing process.

Patience and Self-Reflection

Healing past wounds and rebuilding trust takes time and self-reflection. Embrace the process and be patient with yourself. Allow yourself to fully experience and release any emotions that arise along the way. Journaling or working with a therapist or spiritual counselor, coach, or mentor can be helpful in uncovering deeper layers of your unconscious wound and facilitating the healing process.


Reclaiming your worthiness to trust in spiritual help is a profound journey of self-discovery and healing. By acknowledging the existence of past life wounds, cultivating forgiveness and self-compassion, reconnecting with spirituality, building a supportive community, and practicing patience, you can transcend the limitations of past disappointments and embrace the transformative power of spiritual assistance.

Remember, you are inherently worthy of love, healing, and guidance. Open your heart, allow yourself to trust once again, and witness the profound positive changes that await you on this empowering journey.

If you desire to book a session with me, here’s where you can do that.

5DGuidance can get you started on a Self Empowerment Journey! I also offer a Free Discovery Call for more information.  

My Book, Bringing Ceremony Home, was written to help others to use Ceremony as a way to have relationship with Spirit.  I support you on your path to remembering yourself.

Deanna King 5D Path

Deanna King

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