5D Blog
Astrology Column for June:
Moab Happenings 2024
Overall Energy in June
Happy Birthday to Gemini and Cancer people this month!
Last month was crazy amazing with Taurus energy and Venus in her home sign. Did any love themes emerge for you? This month is fast-paced, so hold on tight! We have heavy air energy with the Sun, Venus, and Jupiter moving into Gemini for a year, opening new doors for us all. Gemini, the messenger, brings information in many ways. Jupiter tends to expand the signs and planets it touches, so look out for some shadow sides like overanalyzing, scattered thinking, too much phone time, or negative gossip. Grounding is very important this month to balance the extra punch of mental energy! (FYI: the Moab desert is also an air energy and could be over-stimulating as well; water helps.)
Early June Movements
Starting the month, we have Mars finishing its travel through Aries, and Mercury finishing up in Taurus. On the 3rd, Mercury joins the Gemini team. With Jupiter and Mercury in harmony with Pluto in Aquarius (another air sign), some aha moments may appear about the new direction you will be going. Transformation is always the name of the game with Pluto, but with the harmonious aspect, there is support and ease.
Also on the 3rd, Venus and the Sun come together, starting a new Venus cycle for one year, all about loving words and communication plus socializing. If you work in communications or are a Gemini, you may be blessed with more money, a raise, or positive recognition of some sort. Congrats, Geminis! Gemini also rules siblings, so some good interactions are to be had in this area. Love poems, love letters, and love songs rule this first half of the month!
A New Moon in Gemini on the 6th ushers in new beginnings to your style of networking, communication, and self-expression.
Mid June Challenges
June 8th brings possible tension with a connection between Venus, Sun in Gemini, and Saturn in Pisces, showing up as an authority figure stopping our fun or limiting us somehow. Use a sense of humor to navigate this smoothly.
Watch out for June 9th as Mars moves into Taurus and immediately has tension with Pluto, which can lead to immature behaviors and power plays. After the dust settles, Mars is ready to get some earthly work done this month. Use this to your advantage. Taurus won’t let Mars move too fast though, so practice patience. Once again, I recommend water play as a way to “cool off” and redirect!
Late June Shifts
Happy Father’s Day! June 16th brings good energy for a party but also promotes addictive behaviors. Don’t drink too much, and definitely do not drive tipsy today! (The cops (Saturn) are out for sure, LOL!) If you make a romantic connection this week, it may end up dissolving, or you will find out something later that you don’t like so much.
On June 17th, Mercury and Venus enter watery Cancer, drastically changing the mood, and you may feel like staying home for the month, especially when the Sun enters Cancer on the 20th. Intuition and emotions are heightened with the Cancerian influence as well.
A Full Moon in serious Capricorn on the 21st is ending something we started two weeks ago—maybe that spontaneous new dating partner? Maybe the vacation ended and you need to get back to work? The Sun has now moved into Cancer with Venus and Mercury, amplifying our loving conversations.
June 26th is a good day as harmony flows with Mercury/Saturn and Venus/Mars. Do something on purpose and special, and you will be rewarded.
Monthly Horoscopes
Aries (March 21 – April 19)
Mars is in your sign for the first week of June, so use the last of this powerful energy well. This month is a bit quieter for you, maybe a back-to-normal feeling. The Gemini energy is beneficial for you but only if you make the first moves. You need to take action to reap any rewards. Expect an increase in activity in your home life toward the end of the month.
Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
Whew! The expansion energies are waning now as many planets move away from Taurus into Gemini and Cancer. Expect your resources to increase or be stimulated. You may feel more like socializing and making new friends. The New Moon could benefit your finances or job in a good way, especially if you write down and say out loud what you wish for. Mars will be in your sign, so pay attention to your body and physical health. You may be extra sexy to others this month.
Gemini (May 21 – June 20)
Happy birthday, Geminis! The New Moon in your sign shines a spotlight on you. You are very much noticed and sought after, so enjoy it! Prepare for a great year ahead as Jupiter will be in your sign until May 2025, blessing and expanding your world. Your career and reputation are under scrutiny; change anything you are not thrilled with, stand up for yourself, and prioritize your needs. Consider how you may be creating the friction in your life, even if it seems that it comes from someone else.
Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
Mars and Mercury were hard on you last month, but this month you will feel a major shift and an easing up, especially after the 9th. The moon in your sign on the 7th and 8th will enhance your connections in family or home themes. You will feel more introspective and contemplative, making it a good month to journal or engage in spiritual learning. You will have vivid, meaningful dreams—pay attention to the messages. Happy Birthday if you are an early Cancerian! There are three planets in your sign after the 21st, asking you to really shine. Spend time with your loved ones and have meaningful, fun conversations! The Full Moon is opposite your sign and may stimulate your relationships or bring clarity and culminations.
Leo (July 23 – August 22)
Although the tension of last month has moved into nurturing Cancer, Mars is now in a frustratingly slow pace to get anything done this month. Enjoy stimulation in the mental arena; big ideas, networking, and communication will benefit you. The moon in your sign on the 9th and 10th will bring more emotion and passion. Relationships will be easier as well. It’s just more of a slow dance than techno, LOL! Saturn continues to stimulate the hidden parts of you that are ready to change—embrace the unexpected. It’s all for your higher good!
Virgo (August 23 – September 22)
Your career and reputation are the themes early this month. There is more emphasis on digital and online communication and socializing as well. Expect good outcomes, or take a risk; it will pay off. The moon will be in your sign on the 12th and 13th, heightening your emotions, and relationships may be involved. Mars is benefitting you in adventure or advancing your spiritual studies. The moon in your sign on the 12th and 13th will soften your work ethic. After the Full Moon, you will have the desire to spend time with loved ones. Enjoy the summer activities, network, and have a good time!
Libra (September 23 – October 22)
Enjoy the blessings in the first two weeks of June. Soak it in. Be social and plan parties. The second half of the month will be quite different, with more focus at home, perhaps requiring you to stay home against your wishes. You will also reap the benefits of Jupiter in Gemini for the next year. More opportunities will come your way, especially with a good attitude and openness to receive. The moon will be in your sign on the 14th and 15th, so enjoy a deeper intuition and connection.
Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)
This month is a huge sigh of relief for you, Scorpio. A year-long theme is now over, and you can adjust to what is different now. The first half of the month is a good time to reflect on what this last year brought you, and then enjoy the bounty of your relationships in the second half of the month. The moon is in your sign on the 17th and 18th, softening and nurturing you. The Full Moon is also supporting you, so enjoy the rewards.
Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)
Your life is about to change. You will feel the impacts of Jupiter in Gemini for a year. It may not always feel good; resistance will make it worse. Best advice is to practice letting go. Use your optimistic qualities to overcome any challenges. The New Moon on the 6th is showing you something you didn’t see before in relationships. Communication is important, and be sure to use humor as an elixir.
Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)
Your daily activities and health are the focus this month. You will feel a new drive to watch your diet, be more athletic, or perhaps hone in on other types of self-care. Alternative health therapies are beneficial. Your pet may need a change as well. There is a lot of mental activity, learning, and sharing your new wisdom this month. This is a good month to hire employees or organize a work party. The Full Moon on the 24th in your sign is a powerful boost for how you are seen in the world.
Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)
Last month was a doozy! The end of a year-long cycle. This is a much better month (and year) as the major player, Jupiter, is no longer pushing you back in a challenge. You will get more opportunities to play and recreate now. Enjoy your hobbies and your children! Work and home will take a back seat to your newly inspired energy. Put the rose-colored glasses on this month; you deserve it. This month you may be finishing up the loose ends from May, but you can rest assured that the hard stuff is over.
Pisces (February 19 – March 20)
This is a month to notice where you need more discipline and boundaries. Both of the lunations are causing some friction to ask you to shift or change what isn’t working. There is big energy in your home life, either the home you live in or the inner home sanctuary. You are inspired by the people in your neighborhood and the networking you do in the community, so use it to your advantage. A small trip or vacation is also beneficial. Consider a community garden activity or nature excursions. Plan for the ease and fun coming for you next month.
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