5D Blog
Astrology for December, 2023
The Overall Energy in December
December 2nd is Celebrated as the Moon enters fun loving Fire sign Leo for 2 days. A harmonious party this week as the Moon sends warm fuzzies to the fellow Fire energies of Sagittarius, where Mars and the Sun are at this time. This could be a fun filled time to do xmas shopping.
Sing Praises though, as Neptune goes Direct in Pisces on December 5th, freeing up our hearts toward the future holiday gatherings and the meaning of Christmas. You will notice a clarity arise. Incidentally, Mercury and Jupiter are having a down to earth conversation on this day, probably about bringing more spirituality and appreciation into our lives.
ALERT– get your shopping done the first week of December, since Mercury Retrograde will mean lots of returns, wrong sizes, delayed shipping and annoying mishaps. Besides, then you can sit back and relax, keeping in mind to double or triple check all details if you plan anything for the holidays after the 12th. This is a good time to practice being flexible and laugh at any mishaps.
On December 22nd Mercury and the Sun will meet each other at 0 degrees Capricorn, as Mercury heads backward toward Sagittarius. 22 is a master number, another synchronicity. And the 0 degree is a Zenith point of a sign! Mercury goes Direct in Sagittarius at 22 degrees, on January 2. Wow!
On December 25th Mars will be at 22 degrees Sagittarius, in Harmony with the North Node at 22 degrees Aries. Divine Actions unfold for your highest self expression.
A beautiful segue to the beautiful watery FULL MOON on December 26th in Cancer (Cancer is ruled by the Moon-double whammy), the watery moon is enhanced with Venus in water Scorpio conversing with Neptune in watery Pisces, they are loving up on the beauty of our inner being, and the strengths held within emotional maturity. Our hearts will be large this day, if you find it hard to speak the feelings, let music do it for you.
New Year’s Eve is the grand “Cosmic Finale” as Jupiter goes Direct in Taurus! WoooHOO! Finances will become easier, look for the blessings. Maybe a shift in gas prices! January will be a breath of fresh air as we now have all outer planets direct except Uranus, she will change directions in late January.
Wow, so much going on this month…My advice is to stay in your highest celebration and loving energy and you will feel like you are soaring! And equally note that resistance, short tempers, bitterness and immaturity will surely make the worst holiday ever.
We are still in the unfolding blessings of the Eclipses in October, and this is a good time to uplevel your heart space. Choose kindness… and take yourself for a walk!
Be sure to read your Moon Sign and Ascendant or Rising sign. Get your free chart at Astro.com
In Your Sign
Aries (Fire) Sun Moon, Rising— March 21-April 19
You continue to be blessed this year with the North Node and Chiron in Aries. Take advantage of the celestial request to upgrade your attachment to identity. As always, watch your temper. Make use of the New Moon in a fire sign to empower your career/prestige – it may take some rethinking, letting go of old ideas. Remember your intentions are more potent on a moon event. Mars, your planet, is in a fire sign, giving you extra punch to get things done. Be wary of stepping on toes as you go. Being thoughtful will get you far.
Taurus (Earth) Sun Moon Rising— April 20-May 20
You are ruled by Venus… and she is in your opposite sign Scorpio this month. Deep emotions may emerge for you or those around you. Jupiter and Uranus are still Retrograde in your sign, and you may need to continue to watch finances. Mercury Retrograde will be in a fellow earth sign helping you ground your decisions. It may be best to feel and listen to your emotions, rather than your mind. A wise female may help.
Gemini (Air) Sun Moon Rising—May 21-June 20
There is much fire dancing going on in your opposite sign of Sagittarius this month. You will be asked to see another perspective. The new moon is pertinent for you, so take time to journal, converse, or listen to inspiration. You can elevate your desires more easily this month if you make intentional effort. You are ruled by Mercury, therefore pay attention to the intuitive promptings, and realize that you get more benefit than the average joe from Mercury retrogrades.
Cancer (Water) Sun Moon Rising—June 21-July 22
You are supported with water energy… Venus will be in Scorpio this month stirring up emotions but offering deep clarity. While Saturn and Neptune in watery Pisces are both direct this month! Venus can deepen your spirituality or mystical studies. Saturn is helping you to know your authority. Feel deep into your creativity. You may be challenged by people who want to tell you what to do or how to feel, just hold steady, you are letting go of unhealthy codependent habits and behaviors and sometimes growth is uncomfortable. Do something special to celebrate the Cancer Full moon at the end of the month.
Leo (Fire) Sun Moon Rising—July 23-August 22
Be the Fire Burning light that you are! All the Sagittarius and Aries Energy is building up your confidence and Independence. As always, watch out for too much Ego, as Jupiter is still testing you until the end of the month. Use the New Moon Lunations to your advantage with a Ceremony or Ritual. You will feel the Mercury Retrograde so be diligent and aware. Watch out for snappy tempers and try your best to speak kind words, especially to yourself.
Virgo (Earth) Sun Moon Rising—August 23-September 22
You are ruled by Mercury, therefore take this Retrograde energy seriously. As always, look at the details, shop early, and spend time in nature. The Sagittarius energy may affect your home environment or nurturing activities. Take time to get your rest and do self care. Projects could move forward when the Sun enters earth sign Capricorn on December 22nd. You will get a lot done, but watch out for uncomfortable conversations. Things are really opening up for you in January, so make the plans now.
Libra (Air) Sun Moon Rising—September 23-October 22
You will find this month relaxing and maybe uneventful while everyone else seems to be triggered. You are sitting in the eye of the storm. Perhaps take advantage and do something productive even though you feel like playing. You and Aquarians are being blessed with ease this month. Venus, your ruler, is in watery Scorpio. Seek moving music, or emotion evoking art. Perhaps your own creativity will emerge. You will feel slight tension from the first week of Mercury Retrograde but more ease by the holiday. The Sagittarius NM will be pleasant for you and again, even if you are not inspired you will reap a reward if you make an effort.
Scorpio (Water) Sun Moon Rising—October 23-November 21
Venus is in your sign this month, so take advantage of all things causing you pleasure. Maybe a relationship, a nice date night, or even a better time with your current partner. Big inspirations come when Neptune goes direct on the 6th. Let yourself Create. Saturn could be helping you build something worthwhile for the next year, so use the Mercury retrograde time to get clear on your ideas. How about creating a transformational online course? The Cancer Full Moon is supporting Emotional depth. You won’t want to launch anything until January when there is more support for manifesting your ideas.
Sagittarius (Fire) Sun Moon Rising—November 22-December 21
This is your time to shine! Enjoy the first half of the month, get the shopping done early. Don’t spend too much, be practical. You get 1 New Moon event that is significant this month, so be aware and plan something special toward your future. As Mercury retrograde enters your sign on December 23rd, you may be more impacted to watch your thoughts and words. Perhaps rethinking who you are as an individual. You are ruled by Jupiter which goes direct on New Years Eve. Life will be so much easier for you at the beginning of next year! Congratulations, you made it!
Capricorn (Earth) Sun Moon Rising—December 22-January 19
Your patience paid off. In just a few short weeks, everything will change. As the Sun enters your sign, you will feel more confident and motivated. Mercury Retrograde will bring you insights into the steps to take. Trust in the path being paved for you now. Do you realize how lucky you are to have millions of people celebrating during your birthday season? Even if you are a January baby, you are connected to the December Capricorn energy. Saturn is direct now, feel into the structureless realm of Pisces. Consider letting down barriers, changing rules, and smiling often.
Aquarius (Air) Sun Moon Rising—Jan 20-Feb 18
You will be blessed by the Lunations and Sagittarius energy this month. However you may feel tension from Venus in Scorpio and Uranus in Taurus. Venus may ask for more emotions than you are comfortable with. Music will help open you up. Finances will improve this month as you implement structure. Your finances will be even better after the new year, but diligence is the lesson here. Continue working on yourself.
Pisces (Water) Sun Moon Rising—Feb 19-March 20
Ahhh, things will improve by the 6th with both Neptune and Saturn Direct in your sign. You may feel more confident with who you are and your inner authority. The Sagittarius New Moon may cause some tension with others, but remember your bliss and be kind. Consider taking a risk in your work environment, ask for a raise or promotion. Venus is helping you to value yourself and your skills, speak from this place of confidence and you will shine. The Cancer full moon is boosting your internal emotional authority. Take advantage of all the water energy this month and create art or music, sing and let your heart lead. Your sensitiveness is your superpower!
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