5D Blog
A Moon Ritual
Yesterday I was listening to a podcast about astrology and the gentleman suggested this amazing technique. Now, I’ve made lots of vision boards in my life to bring in what I’m calling in, but he was suggesting to make a ‘composting board’, which is the board that holds all of what you’re getting rid of, because in order to call in the new you have to let go of the old In order to make space inside you for this new to come in.
Which means… you determine what to let go of. You will identify and write or say out loud ‘I’m letting go of “XYZ”, Letting go of all of “this” (whatever this is for you). I’m letting go of this belief, that anger/resentment, that scarcity…blah, blah, blah”. Whether it’s the story or the lie or the pattern or the habit or the bitterness that you still hold, or whatever it is that you are ready to just let go of. And in his example, he said “Make it on a board you can easily burn. unlike a vision board which you want to keep around. You’re not going to keep this composting board you’re going to burn it when you’re done!” So choose non toxic items to create with. I burned all old papers from a past relationship, deleted photos, wrote specific words on small pieces of paper, old ideas or hopes that I saved for someday, but just felt guilty about.
You want to release all that energy and that’s part of the composting. You burn the words or papers, or photos. Speak it out loud to amplify what you are letting out of your body. Then you’ll gather the ashes and you’ll let some of the ashes go to mother earth or a body of water. But you’ll keep some of the ashes in a container like an Urn. Just like you do when you keep your sacred loved ones ashes in a container, because these ashes are the lessons and the stories that have made you who you are, and are vitally sacred, right?
So you might eventually be releasing more of those saved ashes later, but it’s a reminder of what you let go of. I thought that was just such a fascinating way to manifest change!
A full moon is the ‘letting go’ energy, it’s so important, if you think about it! The best time to make it is after the FM, but you could create it a few days before the full moon but wait to burn this composting board sometime after the full moon has comes to fruition. By waiting a few hours after the full moon, then the moon has begun to decrease in size, taking the energy of your ritual with it, to take the light out of your intention. After 2 weeks when the moon is just before its New phase, it is at its smallest, without light, poof its gone.
Optimally you’ll burn it the same day as the Full Moon, If you don’t have time to burn it till later, that’s fine because it’s really about intention. I like to try to work with the lunar events just because they kind of magnify and power up the energy and the intention. You know, we all need more help. The more help we can get, the better!
We do have portals opening during full moons and new moons and especially during eclipses. We have a larger passageway of energies coming and going on the planet. So again, there’s so much assistance during those times. If you are conscious and aware of what you’re letting go of or calling in.
If you desire to book a session with me, here’s where you can do that.
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