Healing and Breakthroughs
using Compassion Key ®

Why would I use Compassion Key Technique?
Why would I use
Compassion Key
When other techniques haven’t worked… try clearing stuck Karmic themes with a focused technique called Compassion Key.
As a Certified Compassion Key Practitioner I will lovingly support you on an inner journey to release hidden wounds and hidden limiting beliefs that just keep repeating and showing up when you thought you were done with that theme. There are times when the wound is so old or so hidden that we can’t see it clearly to heal it.

A simple yet powerful system for healing the inner child and clearing karmic imprints and distortions within yourself or that you inherited from your ancestral or cultural wounds. 

An example could be…you may have no reason to have problems with money but the Ancestral Energy of poverty that you carry is affecting YOUR current life. Or perhaps you imprinted on the emotions of lack and fear that your mother felt while you were in her womb? You could not consciously remember that time, but it could still nonetheless affect you now. Experiences carry Energy. Energy is what we are made of. Your body consists of many facets, including the layers of all the horrific, traumatic and unmentionable experiences your soul has had, in this life and prior.

People who work with The Compassion Key often report miracles in their financial life, changes in relationships and health, as well as greater purposeful alignment and feelings of lightness, relief and a coming home to their true self.

The technique centers around specific applications of self-directed compassion, the key to healing and integrating wounded aspects of ourselves and simultaneously clearing the karma that is blocking our soul’s pure light from shining through into form in every part of our life.

This technique works best with 4 sessions or more, we give a pause between sessions to integrate fully. Although this is not a maintenance type of healing, it is more of a way to peel away the layers of a core theme for your Soul, to finally unveil and heal the original wound.

Choose Compassion Key if you have experienced that sometimes you Heal and Heal and Heal, and although you get short term relief, issues aren’t completely resolved, perhaps slightly different but still not right.

Why would I choose Compassion Key over Energy Healing?

Why would I choose
Compassion Key
over Energy Healing?
An Energy Healing works well for simpler Energetic Imbalances. A healing can put you energetically “back to together” if you’ve been overworked or depleted. It can regenerate and rebalance you somewhat  like a Massage for your Energy System. Energy Healings can often uncover layers and get to important places but in Compassion key the client is guiding exactly where to go, and the practitioner is simply following your lead. You hold the wisdom to guide us on the journey of healing yourself.
Choose Compassion Key if you have experienced that sometimes you Heal and Heal and Heal, and although you get short term relief, issues aren’t completely resolved, perhaps slightly different but still not right.
I myself had many lifetimes of being abandoned, I also had this fear mixed with betrayal in my adult relationships.  Upon using Compassion Key I uncovered that my ancestors also held trauma and beliefs about being betrayed and abandoned, leaving them in a survival state. This energy trauma carried fear and it was hard for me to fully trust my partners, even though I could not figure out why. In the way of Law of Attraction, due to the ancestral beliefs and wounds, I therefore was also attracting relationships in this life that had a cause for me to not trust them and feel betrayed. The circumstances played out to match my belief of them not being trustworthy and that I was somehow betrayed.
This particular wound is also a wound of the collective that we all share. Heal the wound, heal yourself, and you are also healing the collective! I was so grateful to not only offer healing and compassion to myself but to my wounded ancestors. Breaking the karmic cycle for good.
The Compassion Key is excellent for those situations when you’ve tried many techniques to shift something, and you just want to be done for good. It is not for the faint of heart. This is Deep work, and even though the technique itself is relatively easy and subtle, it seems to get right to the moments of the original pain, allowing compassion to dissolve the imprint.

Just keep in mind that you may choose 1 session to get to know how Compassion Key works, and you will get a shift the first time, however often there are layers to the situation that need to be unfolded. I am offering several price options to make it easier.

Single Session

  • Introductory session
  • Remote (zoom)
  • 90 min session

Two sessions

  • Includes introductory & follow up session
  • Remote (zoom)
  • Two 90 min sessions

Four sessions

  • Recommended package for this healing modality
  • Remote (zoom)
  • Four 90 min sessions
  • Progressively peel away core wound layers